Stockbridge. Stockbridge, Stockbridge. I have a love hate relationship with this route. I've done it 3 times and every time has been a bitch. The first time, my legs really weren't up to it as I'd only just started riding. The second time, I was with 2 people on roadies and I pushed far too hard on my 20kg commuter to keep up with them.
This time, I was on my own. I could ride at my own pace. Surely this time the ride would be better?
Surely this time I'd be sorted?
I ran out of water about 10 miles from the end. I hit the wall horribly. No energy left and no water.
I phoned my wife, and I was going to beg pathetically for a pick up, but then she said that there was an ice cream parlour nearby.
I dragged my sorry ass the next 2 miles and got to the shop. "Home-made" ice cream. Real Coffee. OMG so good. I stayed there until the stars went from my eyes, and I could walk without my head fizzing and headed home as nice and gently as I could. I'm going to try it again soon!
I will crack this ride!
Pictures and Strava below:
Thanks for reading,